The Baltic Sea Labour Forum (BSLF) is a platform for exchange of experience and communication between the key labour market actors in the Baltic Sea Region (BSR). It was founded November 2011 as one of the main results of the Baltic Sea Labour Network (BSLN). The Baltic Sea Labour Forum brings together the key labour market actors from around the Baltic Sea Region.
Steering Committee
The Steering Committee is the highest strategical decision-making body of the BSLF. It comprises of one representative each of the BSLF member organizations and observers. The main objectives and tasks of the Steering Committee are identifying and discussing topical issues within the BSLF remit, deciding on BSLF administrative matters and on themes and layout of the Round table and others.
CBSS/BSLF Coordination Group on Labour and Employment
Consists of representatives from ministries (can be labour, education or health) from CBSS Member States, Baltic Sea Parliamentary Conference, Northern Dimension Partnership in Public Health and Social well-being, EU DG Employment, EU Strategy for the Baltic Sea Region Policy Area Education as well as experts from academia and other organisations with competence in a field of common interest. More information on membership, structure and aims can be found here.
Our priorities are:
1. Labour Mobility and Migration: preventing brain drain, stimulating brain circulation
2. Demographic Challenges and Lifelong Learning: addressing ageing population challenges, senior policy and silver economy
3. Knowledge Supply: using labour market forecasting, research and technological advances to tackle current challenges to the labour market
4. Youth Employment: maximising the opportunities of young people in the region by integrating education and labour markets’ needs
5. Inclusive Labour Market