
The Estonian Trade Union Confederation (EAKL) comprises of 19 branch unions that represent state and municipal government officials, education workers, health care workers, transport workers (including road, railway, sea and air transport), industrial workers (including energy, light industry, food industry, timber and metal industry) and people employed in the service sector (postal, communication, trade, hotel and cleaning sector workers, etc).

The EAKL works to ensure that the principle of social justice is respected in society. The EAKL represents employees’ interests in national wage negotiations and conducts bi- and tripartite collective agreements with employers and the government. The EAKL participates actively in the formation of legislation and policies in order to guarantee the social security of employees and a healthy working environment.

Another important goal of the EAKL is to guarantee a sustainable trade union movement in Estonia. To achieve this the EAKL:

  • Promotes the unionisation of employees into trade unions and the participation of employees in social dialogue
  • Helps to harmonise and strengthen trade union structures
  • Promotes the unionisation of employees into trade unions and the participation of employees in social dialogue
  • Coordinates the cooperation of member unions based on the principles of common identity and mutual respect
  • Gives advice on legal matters and issues related to employment, wages and social security, and participates in solving labour disputes and arguments
  • Organises trade union training, public events and meetings
  • Publishes information materials to introduce trade union activities and work-related legal acts
  • Takes part in international trade union cooperation

      Estonian Trade Union Confederation EAKL:

Federation of Estonian Engineering Industry (EML), Estonia: www.emliit.eeFederation of Estonian Engineering Industry (EML), Estonia: