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November 2015
BSLF Annual Round Table
BSLF ANNUAL ROUND TABLE 2015 BSLF is organising the Annual Round Table meeting on 18 November 2015 in Gdansk, Poland in the frame of the upcoming Polish CBSS Presidency and back-to-back with the BASTUN meeting. BSLF ROUND TABLE 2015 Agenda Agenda_Round_Table20151019 BSLF ROUND TABLE 2015 Workshop Program: BSLF_round_table_WS_program20151019 BSLF ROUND TABLE 2015 Registration Form: BSLFmobINITRegistartion_form_Gdansk_updated BSLF ROUND TABLE 2015 Practical information BSLF_RT_PracticalInformation
Find out more »November 2016
January 2017
June 2017
Baltic Sea Labour Forum Round Table
back-to-back to EUSBSR Annual Forum and in connection to the CBSS Labour Ministers Meeting
Find out more »March 2019
Joint BSLF Cooperation Group Meeting and Baltic Trade Union Network (BASTUN) Round Table
We will be meeting to review demographic and labour market trends in member states, discuss ongoing and future projects in support of sustainable working life, employability and ageing population. Find the full meeting agenda here.
Find out more »November 2019
April 2021
Sustainable Working Life Digital Workshop: Lifelong Learning
The Sustainable Working Life project is opening up digital workshops of its thematic working groups to anyone interested in sharing knowledge, experience and good practices that address the themes of Age Management and Lifelong Learning in the age group 55+ in the Baltic Sea Region. Our digital talks will result in policy briefs and policy recommendations related to prolonging working life. Digital Workshops Before the workshops: Listen to interesting experts’ presentations on our chosen themes 1 week before the workshops…
Find out more »Sustainable Working Life Digital Workshop: Age Management
The Sustainable Working Life project is opening up digital workshops of its thematic working groups to anyone interested in sharing knowledge, experience and good practices that address the themes of Age Management and Lifelong Learning in the age group 55+ in the Baltic Sea Region. Our digital talks will result in policy briefs and policy recommendations related to prolonging working life. Digital Workshops Before the workshops: Listen to interesting experts’ presentations on our chosen themes 1 week before the workshops…
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